The basic idea of Omnia's strategy is social and environmental responsibility, the idea of how education helps to solve social challenges, promotes sustainable development, and improves people's lives. We strive to work actively in climate and environmental work and respond to challenges they bring to the operating environment. In our operations, we consider the cross-cutting nature of sustainability throughout the organization. Through high-quality teaching, we ensure our students have the knowledge and skills to promote sustainability.
Actions for a sustainable future
Operating in accordance with sustainable development is part of our everyday life. Our responsibility work is supported by the roadmap for a sustainable future ( Our goal is to develop our operations towards carbon and resource wisdom and to reduce both the waste generated and the amount of materials used in our operations. The sustainable development work is continuous improvement within the operations.
Sustainable development work is promoted by the responsibility working group and the quality teams. Check out examples below of how we've taken steps towards a more sustainable future.
Climate effects and emission reduction measures
We have calculated our carbon footprint twice. Through the calculation, we have identified our most significant emission sources and defined measures leading to emission reduction. In addition to the choices we make, it is important for us as an educational institution to look at how we can reduce the impact of climate in our operations. Check out the 2021 census report.
Sustainable restaurant operations
Omnia's cafes, restaurants and student restaurants are committed to the circular economy, minimizing waste and operating in accordance with sustainable development. We measure the amount of biowaste that we generate which helps us identify needed actions. Our restaurants are also part of the Portaat Luomuun program: Omnia’s student restaurants have received one star, Herkku two and Henricus three stars from the programme.
Sustainable Education
In teaching and training, the emphasis is on internalizing and achieving the goals of sustainable development across all forms of training at Omnia. The teaching of sustainable development is included in the basis of the degree, in the curricula and the key skills of lifelong learning. At the Lakelankatu campus, we have implemented so-called responsibility promises. Our goal is to extend these promises to all teaching areas and functions of Omnia.
Strong project operator
The ongoing SusTexEdu, Auto Cove 2.0 and Sustainable Lifestyle makers are examples of Omnia's project activities which enhance sustainable development skills and aim to find solutions to the challenges faced by society. Learn more about Omnia's project landscape (
Sustainable Development and Environmental Certifications
Sustainable Development Certificate
Teaching, Education and Training Foundation grants a sustainable development certificate to an educational institution that commits to sustainable development work in accordance with the certification criteria. The certification focuses on teaching, operational culture, and management. Omnia has been granted an OKKA certificate and we use the system offered by the foundation as a tool for developing and evaluating our operations. We are the first educational institution in Finland awarded the certificate whose operations include lifelong learning.
EcoCompass – Environmental Management System
The EcoCompass certificate has been given to Omnia's food and restaurant services and facility services. Meeting the criteria defined by EcoCompass certifies the environmental friendliness of our operations and compliance with laws and regulations.
With the certificate, our environmental impact has been mapped. When building the environmental system, we have drawn up an environmental program that includes concrete goals to reduce our environmental impact. Through systematic environmental work, we identify the most significant environmental impacts and implement measures to minimize them.