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Hello new vocational and TUVA student! Check out the important information to get started with your studies

Upper secondary vocational qualifications

Vocational education and training provides a direct path to working life

In Omnia's wide selection, you will find the right training for yourself and the way to complete your studies. After completing your vocational qualification, the doors of universities and colleges are also open for you. Through continuous admission, you can apply at any time that suits you.

Omnia is a sport educational institution

As an athlete, you can get a profession or complete the Finnish matriculation examination while continuing to pursue towards your goals in sports. Learn how you can combine sports and study.

Athlete's dual career

Lost direction? InfoOmnia helps!

Do you need information about different qualifications and training, help in applying for training or personal study and career guidance? InfoOmnia provides guidance and counseling to applicants.
