Job Search Path promotes employment
During the OSKE skills assessment, you determined together with OSKE experts what kind of job search support you need and whether you would benefit from training. If you do not require much support and you have enough expertise to become employed, the Job Search Path is the right choice for you.
At the Job Search Path, we help you find jobs and write a CV. During the Job Search Path, you have the opportunity to complete card training which promotes employment. You will receive support from business coordinator and career counsellor.
The Job Search Path is for you, if you:
- need help finding or applying for a job
- are nervous about the transition to working life
- need help writing job applications or CV
- have prior work experience or training
- feel that you would benefit from job search coaching and our working life networks.
Content of the Job Search Path
Digital training (week 1 – every day)
- digital job search
- writing job applications
- looking for open positions and filling in forms
- saving and sending files
- information search.
Job search coaching (weeks 2–4 – every day)
- job advertisements
- applying for a job
- filling in a form
- work identity and recognition of own competence
- thoughts, mental images and resources
- social media
- writing a job application and CV
- preparing for an interview
- Finnish working culture.
Job search club (weeks 5–8 – every other day)
- improvement of job seeking skills
- coach helps with job seeking
- identification of employment obstacles and finding solutions.
Job search period (weeks 9–14 – once a week)
Monitoring of job search progress.
Further paths
Paid work, pay-subsidised work, work trial, apprenticeship or training which promotes your employability.