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Hello new vocational and TUVA student! Check out the important information to get started with your studies

Vocational education and training student admission criteria

The admission criteria influence how your points are calculated. Your language proficiency will also be assessed, and depending on the chosen field of study, your health will be checked to meet the requirements set by regulations.

Applicants are selected on the basis of the following criteria and weightings: 

  1. Foundation training of the applicant:
    Applicants without previous vocational qualifications are given priority in admission.
  2. Starting points the applicant:
    The applicant has, for example, a previous work history, hobbies, previous studies and/or familiarity with the content of the qualification, which provide a good starting point for completing the qualification.  Comprehensive reasoning gives the best score.
  3. Career plan of the applicant:
    The applicant has goals and plans on how to use the qualification and the knowledge gained from it, for example, for employment, career advancement, post-graduate studies or entrepreneurship. Comprehensive reasoning gives the best score.
  4. Educational needs of the applicant:
    An applicant has, for example, an unfinished qualification, health reasons, unemployment, threat of unemployment, a qualification required for employment, the need for professional development or a top athlete status. Comprehensive reasoning gives the best score.

At our discretion, you can be admitted as a student without scoring, for example, if you want to complete an unfinished degree, if you have an apprenticeship or if you are a top athlete.

Admission criteria for Further Vocational Qualifications and Specialist Vocational Qualifications

In further vocational qualifications and specialist vocational qualifications, students are admitted on the basis of the application information and possible guidance discussion. You can be admitted as a student if you have a suitable job, suitable work tasks or work experience as specified in the skills requirements for the qualification you are applying for. In other words, you must have suitable previous training or skills in the field.

Assessment of language proficiency

The applicant’s language proficiency is verified. These applicants are invited to a language test. Read more about assessment of language proficiency.

Applicant's Health and Functional Capacity

In social and health care as well as safety an security vocational qualifications, it is ensured that the applicant meets the requirements set by SORA regulations. Read more about SORA legislation and health requirements.

Conditionality of study place

The study place granted to the applicant is conditional until their identity and the information provided in the application have been verified. These will be verified at the latest during the personalisation discussion at the beginning of the studies. 

The applicant must also read carefully the contents of the qualifications/education they are applying for.

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Vocational competence